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Our guidelines towards a safe and sustainable work environment.

Berco regularly reviews and adjusts its code of conduct to keep it in step with the requirements of an ever-changing market. Our commitment to quality goes hand in hand with several fundamentals, which include social sustainable principles, risk management processes and a culture based on integrity.


A sustainable organization makes its employees’ well-being a priority.
We know everyone wins when we put our employees first, actively promote their health and safety, and consistently provide training and development opportunities. We ensure that we hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards and build a culture of equal opportunity and mutual trust and respect.

Health and Safety

Target zero accidents.
Our target of zero accidents is supported by a group-wide Occupational Safety and Health Policy, extensive training and certified safety management processes. Accidents and near-misses are thoroughly reported and investigated, and corrective actions are taken.


Compliance is a question of mindset. And we take it very seriously.
To us, compliance means more than just obeying rules and regulations. Compliance means honesty, integrity, reliability and credibility. We would rather sacrifice a contract than break the rules to win it. We follow thyssenkrupp AG’s compliance program, which is designed to identify potential risks at an early stage and, if necessary, initiate suitable countermeasures.

Financial Strength

Advancing our customers is our main focus in building a profitable business.
To us, financial sustainability means developing and maintaining strong stakeholder relationships. It also means investing in the development of technologies and production processes to improve quality and reliability.

Local engagement

It is Berco’s role and duty to engage in the local community.
Community organizations and activities supported by the company include those advancing educational projects, promoting youth and workforce training and providing assistance to the sick and infirm.
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